The Forests of Haida Gwaii - Affectionately called my office

The Forests of Haida Gwaii - Affectionately called my office

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Landing a solo exhibition as a part of my homework... how practical is that!

I have one final week of preparation before my last homework assignment is due. The last eight weeks in the city have proved to be very productive... and not nearly as torturous as I imagined.

In the past I used the term 'productive' to describe how many paintings I was creating. In these last weeks I have made more progress in 'building my business' than I have made in the last 10 years... that's progress - a bit embarrassing really.

My final assignment summarizes my activities... Clarifying my 'brand', giving my website and other marketing materials a cohesive look and feel, designing Art Cards for print, researching public art galleries, researching on-line marketing sites such as Etsy and Fine Art America... and the highlight for sure... submitting a proposal to the Terrace Art Gallery and getting accepted for an exhibit!!!

Normally galleries are fully booked one year or more ahead... it was just by chance they had 2 exhibition spots not filled. I was instructed by the gallery coordinator to quickly put together my slides and support material and it would be possible I could be considered. I was both elated and stressed to get the email that my proposal had been accepted. Elated because OMG - I have a solo exhibition in April - Gulp and I need 20 - 25 works to show :o

So, between homework assignments, website building, and researching for my class I have found the time to create enough work for my show. Which by the way is entitled 'On the Edge Of Nature's Whim' and opens at the Terrace Art Gallery April 6th, 2012.

Monday, February 27, 2012

The Business Of Art Practice... being back at school

I originally started a blog because someone told me it was a way to post images of my work online for free. Creating a website was my ultimate goal, but I was deeply committed to painting everyday and was not very excited about taking the time to learn how to build a website.

Then I was faced with the dilemma of my home filling up with work - I had to find a way to connect the work with an audience beyond my family

If you look at the gap between the date I last posted and now you will see how poorly I have managed the 'business side' of my Art Making Practice.

So here I am - making a concerted effort to manage the art making and the business portion of my chosen career. I am taking a class at the Emily Carr School in Vancouver, trying to pull it all together under the guidance of instructor Chris Tyrell - who by the way is a treasure chest of knowledge and experience - I am so very thankful!

I will continue to make an effort to maintain this blog as it was made very clear to me during CEPD 190 The Business Of Art Practice that the art buyer has an interest in the narrative behind the images the artist presents.

Let me share my journey as it unfolds...